Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Epic Games are on iOS not on Android?

With the launch of iPad 2, the graphics performance has improved considerbly, thus attracting more attention from the developers.

All users, especially the hardcore gamers, already know there are no Epic video games available on the Android platform as the company prefer the iOS platform over the former.
This is not the fault of Google or handset manufacturers, says Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic Games.
He says that carriers are giving so many pre-installed software programs on the handsets that there is not much space left on the Android smartphones to run games efficiently, whereas Apple controls how much memory is used for what purpose.
According to Tim Sweeney, Google needs to be more controlling of what is being put on the phones by the carriers.
With the launch of Apple iPad 2, the graphics performance of the games has improved substantially, which means the iOS platform will perform better than earlier and the Android will continue to be in the shadows for the time being.
Usually, the gaming consoles see a graphics improvement of 10 to 20 times in about eight years, whereas iPad2 has improved nine times within just one year.
Android fragmentation is also a huge problem for the high end game creators, because they cannot guarantee a consistent performance from the games on all the Android handsets. Even the same Android phones bought from different carriers don't perform consistently even if the users are playing the same game.

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