The Samsung Galaxy smartphone range recently got a real shake-up. New models were introduced and prices were rejigged. The Galaxy Fit is one of the new kids on the block. The competition in the Rs 10k to Rs 15k (225$) price bracket is intense. Let’s find out of this one stands up to the rivals.
Look and Feel: Solid plastic!
Straight out of the box, the Fit does look the part, when we talk about classy looking smartphones. The front panel houses the 3.3-inch screen, with the options and return buttons being the touch based type. These are given the glossy black finish, like the area above the display. A strip of chrome runs around the phone, giving it an element of shine. The menu button and the multidirectional keys with it however are hardware buttons. The left panel has the microSD slot and the volume up/down buttons. The microSD card slot on the side panel means that this one is completely hot swappable. The right side panel has the power on/off button, something which is usually found on the top panel. Speaking of which, there is the 3.5mm jack and the micro USB slot there.
What is missing completely is a dedicated camera button. The rear panel has the camera, and the battery cover feels very plasticy. However, it has a nice imprint design on it, making it look chunkier than it actually is.
Features: Almost there
The Fit starts up to 3 home screens, for all your widgets. The strip at the bottom of the screen remains constant across all screens- messages, contacts, phone dialer and menu. This minimalist skin is wrapped around Android 2.2, which comes preinstalled on the phone. No worries about future updates and anything that may go wrong with them. The interface is pretty plain, with a no frills layout. Instead of the traditional scroll up/down app menu in Android phones, this phone has the sideways menu, much like that in the Bada OS in the Samsung Wave-II.
Performance: The perfect Fit!
Powered by the 600MHz processor, the Samsung Galaxy Fit will not win any processor power contests, but definitely does the job in this case. What helps is the minimalist skin (TouchWiz 3.0 UI) which Samsung have wrapped around the Android 2.2 OS, unlike some resource hogging skins some rivals offer. The processor does feel a bit of strain when multiple apps are open, but well within manageable limits.
The 3.3 inch display has a resolution of 240x320 pixels, which is a huge disappointment. The display isn’t very sharp and the colours seem washed out. This is disappointing, because the display is something which is used always when using a phone, unlike the goodies like a camera or Wi-Fi connectivity. The touchscreen response, though, is excellent, which is a huge relief. The touch garners a sure response. This makes typing out SMS and emails a lot of fun. The on screen keypad, both in portrait and landscape modes, are pretty well laid (and spaced) out.
The call quality offered by the Galaxy Fit is very good. The signal reception is quite consistent in Zone1 (full signal strength) and Zone2 (half signal strength), and the call clarity is very good. However, if the signal falls below 50%, the calls tend to drop quite a bit. However, the earpiece and the speaker offer a lot of clarity, which makes conversations easy even if you are in a noisy environment. The handsfree earphones are probably the best we have seen in phones for a long time. Not only are they extremely comfortable, they look like a mid-range Sennheiser earphone! The clarity offered by then is very good, but they lack the bass punch, in case you like listening to that kind of music.